The Snake is Black.
Big, Black Snake
slithers across my white down bed
while I am underneath
I inhale
four ruby roses
root me to the
Earth Mama.
steamy petals
stream upwards
and two blood oranges
beneath my belly move
spine twists
spine spins
and a Big Bright Sun
bursts open in my Center
The Snake is dancing now
dancing in my belly
dancing in my breath
In hale, long, ...and deep, and full...
The air is better here with you
Ana hata
"this vibration which exists to enrapture
and console"
but I want to talk to you
i want to tell you how beautiful it
is here
Can you hear me?
Can you see
Can you see the Snake becoming white
Can you see the jewels in its crown?
Yes, you say.
I hear
I see.
It is clear